Check out Steve's book!
Hero. Villain. Stewart Mitchel thinks they’re opposites, but he’s about to be pulled into a conspiracy that will turn him into both. What would you do if your wealthy and reclusive boss offered you the chance to be the greatest modern hero, but you knew it was all a lie? It may seem like the ultimate acting job, but once the charade begins to crumble Stewart discovers there are less destructive ways to weather a mid-life crisis. Can he salvage his life, or will his deception bring ruin down on everyone he cares about? Plus with the FBI hot on his tail, he may be unable to save himself, let alone anyone else. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and Stewart has his foot on the gas.
Paper Heroes is a contemporary sci-fi novel that mixes politics, technology and heroism, asking whether or not the ends truly justify the means.
Basement Day 3
Yesterday the framing crew finished up. I did a walk though with the contractor and only found a handful of things to fix.
Then the HVAC crew came in and put in most of the vents. (We had to block them off as our upstairs wasn't cooling off properly in the afternoon... I'm guessing we'll be doing some type of zoning before sheetrock... yet more money.)
And they put in the returns, and in the process destroyed the sound wall between the bathroom and the theater.
At first I was just worried about the 4 gang box I'll need for the graphic eye I plan to install for the theater in the future. Then I thought more about it... I can't insulate it, so it's a hollow cavity, thus amplifying any sound. Then I realized with the whisper clips and channel to hang the drywall, it won't be a closed space anyway and completely pointless.
So they will end up fixing that wall back to a 2x6 staggered stud wall, until I'm happy. HVAC guys should finish the last vents today, and the plumber was supposed to start today as well, busting up concrete to move the drains, and possibly running the new lines for the water.
Also, we finally got our strawberries planted over the weekend!
Fencing, YAY!
No work on the basement today, but the fence returns installation was finished! Yay!
Thomas was awfully happy tonight... I don't think he realizes the fence is the end of his freedom! Bwahahahahaha!
And to better help you visualize it, here are the basic floor plans.
No idea when the basement crew comes back... When they do I'll post the progress!
Basement construction - Day 1
Framing crew came in today and pounded out a bunch of the framing. One more day definitely to finish it. I'm excited with how big the closet for my office turned out... Although because it is so big I'm going to have to put a light in there. Darn.
Tommy is becoming such a big boy... and definitely a two year old.
Busy weekend
This was a crazy busy weekend... We had to finish emptying the basement before construction starts! We had a LOT of crap down there. We ended up loosely packing boxes just to get it done. Huge thanks to Katie's brothers Andrew and Patrick for coming over to help move the heavy stuff (and the rest of the stuff...) Here it is mostly empty... Fun starts in the morning.